Friday, June 5, 2009

Week 4 Day 1 - June 5th - Sick

Welcome Readers, to the beginning of a ‘new’ week with the Camping Family!

This week is bringing sickness. It’s been a rough morning and night. Again the Raccoons came to visit, but this time it was earlier in the night! Thankgoodness! Arnold went out and checked and they seemed to just want to muck around. Arnold had left out his empty cereal container and they wanted at it. Arnold brought it in the trailer and that was the end of it!

Then after lots of nagging from Kyler we went to sleep. That lasted oh… 10 minutes. Q started SCREAMING. And when I say screaming I mean top-of-the-lungs-my-body-is-going-to-explode-hate-my-life kind of screaming. It was horrible. WE brought him to bed with us and it seemed to calm him down just a bit. But not enough. Arnold felt Q and thought he was hot so Arnold found some drugs and we gave them to Q. He would not go back to bed. The poor boy was having a rough rough night. He ended up spending it with us in bed all night. Did you know that when you add one more person to a double’ish bed that the one person on the left hand side of the bed gets NO covers? Well they don’t! It sucks! The boys took all the covers and I was under my WTP blanket, and that’s all.

Anyway my poor boy is still sick this morning. He didn’t want to get out of bed, or go anywhere, or do anything. I felt so bad for him. I had to get him dressed so we could go grocery shopping or I wouldn’t have made him do it but yeah. I just hate it when he is sick.

Our morning, once we all got up and decided I wasn’t too sick (yep you read that right, I’m not feeling well either) Arnold headed off to get the GO bus and went to work. The highway was a mess so it didn’t really save him much time in the long run. The boys and I finished watching the Monkey movie again (we are so keeping this one for the whole month. The boys LOVE it!) then got dressed. We headed off to the grocery store, and $50.00 later we were done! We got all our groceries (enough to get us through the weekend) and some drugs for Q and our mail and were headed home in less than 45 minutes.

When we got home Q didn’t want to go far so we just hung out on my bed until lunch time, fed the boys and then put them in their bed to watch the movie again. Q fell asleep. The poor boy. Here are the only photos I have of the boys today. Hope you enjoy them.












Also, tonight Arnold and I are getting to go on a date! I'm so excited! Our babysitter will be here at 5pm and then Arnold and I will go out! yeah!!!

Sarah…. I’m going to get those photos as soon as I’m done here!

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