Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Week 7 Day 7 - Thursday, July 2nd - Running around

We spent most of this day getting randomness done! Over the whole day we managed to:

1 - Bring some mail to Arnold during his commute (in order to get the metro pass again he had to bring in something that had his new sticker on it for mailing purposes). We had everything laying out the night before but he totally forgot to bring it with him. So I got the boys up super early and headed out to meet Arnold with the mail. We met up at Victoria Park and Eglinton. The boys gave him the mail and we were off again.

2 - We brought the computer to the shop. We got there just as they were opening and really stressed to the guy that we needed the computer ASAP since it is my 'company machine'. Now there is NO lying there. It is my company machine, BUT my company isn't using it that much this summer. Oh well. By the end of the day there was someone working on it so that made me feel good.

3 - We drove to the zoo right after dropping it off. We made it in some seriously good time as well, all things considered I got lost! I know I know I go every week and I got lost! I figured I would save the time of going south then back up north so I just kept going and thought I would eventually find the normal road. No matter how much Arnold told me to get off one road earlier I figured it was just a bunch of houses I could totally do it! Nope not at all. I ended up on the phone getting directions with Arnold. Thankgoodness we found out some good news and his new phone had come in earlier that morning. He at least had a secure phone that wouldn't cut out on him at all. After about 5 minutes of driving around we got there! There were no buses today so we got to park in our normal summer spot.

We went to the gate and I had to use my renewal pass information since I didnt' have my new pass yet. We did a few random things around the zoo then stopped for an early lunch. The boys got stuff from Harveys and I got something from the 'food on the go' group beside them, I was thinking healthy lunch... it was SOOO Gross. Next time not ordering from there! We had lunch and wondered around a bit more and took the train again (we did it as soon as we got there as well). All in all a good morning. I think the reason it wasn't as busy as we thought was because the weather was not good. We did have fun thought

4 - Went right home after the zoo and the boys gave me a few moments of peace as they were sleeping in the van. It worked out to the best, Thank you God, because the water had found a way into the trailer and soaked everything where the bed would have been. It was all over the wood flooring. It had soaked the clothes that were there, any towels and such. But the worst of all was a cardboard box. The box was not a big deal but what was inside and beside was the kicker. Every single book we had at the campsite (including some of the books that were from the Church Library) as well as all our DVDs. Everything was soaked. I spent the next hour bringing it all into the RT (which was really wet as well) and putting them on the table and turning the fan on. Even today( almost a week later) some of them are still wet and have mould. They will have to be thrown out. What I couldn't understand is why things were wet in the RT. I was really surprised. Then looking at the grass I figured it out.

There is a 'forest' behind us that is on a slant. Somehow the water came rushing down it (there must have been some serious rain while we were at the zoo) and went right down any path it had. It turns out that the path of least resistance is right into our campsite. It went from the back of the lot, past the fire pit, throught the middle into a low spot then up infront of the trailer and RT and right down the little slant the RT is on and out into a HUGE puddle in the next site over. It was bad. Arnold had talked to someone who was here during it all and he said there was about 6 to 7 inches of water going through his site as well. Anything under the 6 to 7 inches is wet, like SOAKING wet in our RT.

The boys and I spent the next little bit doing some laundry. Once they woke up. I did some more work around the site cleaning up and dealing with the water and it looked alot better by the time Arnold got home from work.

5 - When Arnold got home we dealt with everything from the day and just chilled.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well I have gotten a few days out there. I know there are more and I plan on working on them soon. I still need to get some programs on my computer before things will be 'back to normal'. We will see about photos and stuff soon.

Week 7 Day 6 - July 1st - CANADA DAY!!!

Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING said that it would be raining today.

In the morning we had some pancakes again. The boys LOVED it! Then we got them dressed and got ready to go. Arnold and I packed up the car with bikes and whatknot and off we went! We picked up some snacks from the car and trailer.

You should see the photos of the bikes on the van! We loaded up my bike, arnold's bike and the 'trail bike'. It was cool! Q rode with me and K rode on the trail bike with Arnold. When we got there we biked around and had fun exploring. We hit up a cool playground near the park with the Canada Day stuff going on. The boys played there for about 45 minutes. We took the bikes over to a fence and locked them up and then went for fun. We did the bouncie castles, slides, ect. The boys had a BLAST! We had fries and hotdogs for lunch and enjoyed them as much as we could :) We headed home, but not before having Arnold and Kyler go on a tour of the necular plant near us. Arnold was in heaven. Quinton and I were too loud so we left.

We got home and had a camp fire and a really good supper. It was a wonderful Canada Day. We had to explain that the firework sounds were just fireworks. The boys went to bed early and Arnold and I got chat outside the trailer. It was a nice day over all.

Week 7 Day 5 - Tuesday, June 30th - Scrapbooking and playdates

We didn't have much planed for today as we didn't have to go to Speech Therapy today. It was cancelled. We hung out at home and the boys played outside in the rain for a while. They had a blast so I wasn't going to stop them!

Around 10:30 or so we headed out to the grocery store and to get the mail. We had still be waiting for the TTC pass we sell to our friend. I should have had it about 2 weeks ago but not yet. Weird. Arnold went and talked to them and they said they needed proof we had gotten a new PO box so I had to find the reciept and get it to Arnold to get a new pass. We picked up some groceries (forgetting a few things, by accident I swear!) and then we came home. I dropped off the groceries and the mail and headed to see Arnold. We met him behind his companys building and gave him his reciept. He took it down to see them and see if he could get a new pass before the 1st.

After that the boys and I got some lunch and headed to see Lori. We got there in time for me to crash! I was so tired so we stripped the kids down to their bathing suits (well I forgot them so we borrowed a little swimmer from Lo and K wore his tiggers). They played outside for a long time! I have the cutest photos, or I think I do..... I'll have to see if I emptied my card yet.

Around 5pm or so Arnold showed up at Loris house and visited for a bit then took the boys and the van home. It worked out really well! Kristina showed up around 7pm or so and we went to work, after a really good supper of slow cooked turkey wraps, and organized Lori's scrapbooking stuff for her. She now has some packs for her 'current projects', 'Logan', 'Keaton', 'pattern paper' and 'other' for now. It was good for her to toss/donate some stuff.

We headed home and Kristina and I got to the campstie around 10:30 or so. I went to bed almost right away. It was nice for all of us to have the day off the next day!

Week 7 Day 4 - Monday, June 29th, - Rained out

This morning the boys and I realized it was going to be a 'bad' day. Not because of the attitude of the boys but because of the weather. We hung out at home for most of the day and worked on keeping things dry.

We did find out that there are no new reservations being made in the campsite because of the strike. I freeked! We told mom last night and she did some e'mailing. In the morning we got a message from her saying that she got one back from the campsite saying that if there was no reservation/email before the strike there was no way they could let them in. I felt so bad. Arnold went up and talked to them at the office and they said the same thing. We went over different ways to fake e'mails and just renew someone elses pass but nothing was going to work. It was a big bummer for us.

After a quick lunch the boys headed off for a nap, because, yet again, I used the 'if you don't nap no soccer tonight' threat. It works well.

Right while the boys were heading off to nap the rain started, BAD. We figured out that it would eventually go away (as most places said it would be done before the afternoon was over) but it was still bad rain.

Around 4pm or so the soccer coach called and cancelled for our practice. Instead we cahnged our plans as well (Kristina and mine) and we went to a McDonalds on Markham because there was a playplace there. So the boys and I took our sweet time going over there. We got there a bit early, ordered what we wanted and headed to the play area.

Things seemed to be going well but there was an issue.. this mom I was talking to, she had a 4 week old baby girl, had 2 boys here to burn off some energy. Well wouldn't you know it one of her kids punches Q in the face! He came to me screaming. I felt so bad. I comforted Q but his face was so red. He went back into play and was doing ok until this kid caused problems for him getting back into the play area after coming off the slide. It was horrible. His mom couldn't/wouldn't do much about it. Then once Kristina and Tim got there the kids stuck everyone back on the slide. I went over, picked him up and told him it was time to let all the kids off (he had caused a back up of about 7 kids!). I was not impressed at all. Oh well it worked out. We hung around there and had fun for our time there and then when Arnold got there he ate and we headed home.

When we got home there was still some serious rain so we went right inside the trailer and watched a movie. The kids went to bed sortly after, as did Arnold and I.