Yep. That’s right. They *love* hot sauce… and my FAVOURITE hot chocolate mix! This is going to be a very hateful relationship!
So it all started last night around 10:45pm or so. The radio had stopped and I was just laying down to go to sleep and I heard him. I thought “hell no, he can’t even wait until I’m in bed asleep!” I went out with my flashlight (I know stupid move) and caught him leaving the tent with my hot chocolate container. I was right off pissed. I grabbed a piece of wood and chucked it at him. He dropped the hot chocolate and bolted. I pick it up and went back to bed muttering under my breath something about wanting to beat him or kill him. Yes I know I’m evil!
I went to sleep shortly after that and was awoken again at 1:50am. Kyler fell out of bed again and was crying. Into bed he came with me and eventually I got him under the covers and asleep. I went back to sleep and then at 3:30am… the Raccoons were at it again! I was so mad. You know it’s not even that they go into the tent and move things around and basically break things open or take them with them, it’s that I feel like they are violating my things. And that bugs me more. If they want to trade, I’ll make them a serving of whatever we have every breakfast, lunch and supper and put it on a tray for them to eat, and in return they don’t go in my tent I would SO do that.
I didn’t get back to sleep until about 4:30am. Part of that reason was the Raccoons but part of it was the fact that I had no power! I didn’t want to go outside at 4am and figure out what the deal was but I was concerned. Quinton woke up at 6:30am and was upset to find out there was no one helping him warm the bed! I told him to come and visit and he did. Right after he warmed up a bit we were up for the day. I went outside (after trying *everything* I could think of in the trailer) to find out we blew a fuse last night. I’m really not sure how as the only thing running was my power cord for my computer, the internet and radio… oh well. I flipped the fuse and the music started up again so I knew we were good.
Then I took the camera out to survey the damage in the RT. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. He took the other can of hot chocolate, and ate the ‘test’ cereal we made up the night before (I put maybe 2 cups of Cheerios in the container for cereal and put hot sauce on the lid). I did spray a few things with Lysol and it seemed to keep him off/away. Or it could just be those great containers that Nana and Papa got (BTW we are heading out to get 2 more today for dishes and random things).
Do you think he will eventually just go away? When he realizes there will be no more food will he just stop coming? I really need some ideas on how to get rid of him.
I made a list of things we would need, and that now included some more containers for food and such around there and we took our time heading out. I think it was about 9am when I got the boys moving enough to get clothes on. I put the boys back on their bed around 7:30am and they watched some movies. Kyler kept changing the movies and he ended up watching the Shrek 3-D complete with glasses and everything. He loved it. While they watched movies I cleaned off my bed and got a few things off the floor and cleaned up which is good because it was starting to get bad. Shortly after 9am we headed out. I think it was about 9:30am by the time we got out of the park.
We ended up not taking the highway as it wasn’t moving at all. It took about 45 minutes to get to the kids doctor’s appointment and we were doing ok. I had to park 2 streets over as it was so busy there. I got her to check both boys. Kyler has been falling out of bed a lot and I’m a bit worried about his balance. She checked his ears and one was a bit red and one had some fluid in it but nothing to worry about. Then she checked Q and he wasn’t limping today so we watched him walk with and without shoes on. He did ok. She said if he seems like he is limping more over the weekend bring him back on Monday.
After the doctor’s appointment we headed to Canadian Tire and got the containers we needed and a bit of extra stuff. Then we did our next stop at the grocery store, and then to get our mail then to get milkshakes!! Kyler was so good today so that he could have one!
Once we made it home I set up the sprinkler for the boys. Kyler, Quinton and I got changed into our bathing suits and we had a blast! Well I should say Kyler and I did. Quinton thought we were a bit crazy. We even moved the slide into the water to make a water slide. Kyler kept telling me it wasn’t as good as the frog one at Nana’s hotel but it would do. Silly boy! I can only work with what I have.
I made lunch and cleaned up after our ‘guests’ again and the boys seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I managed to get a quick photo of Quinton enjoying every last drop of his milkshake.
The boys have been put down for a nap but I’m not sure I see it happening today! I’m going to keep working inside the trailer and hopefully when Arnold gets home tomorrow he will be able to see the floor and *maybe* if he is lucky the benches.
**Later, the internet was fuzzy so I didn’t get everything posted at nap time, Sorry**
Well the boys decided to play tricks on me. Yesterday Quinton slept and Kyler stayed awake. Today Kyler slept and Quinton stayed awake. It’s hard for me to have a nap when both of the boys don’t nap. I feel like I have to be awake the whole time so no one goes anywhere.
Kyler slept until about 5:30 or so. Then I figured it was time for everyone to get up. I changed into some normal clothes and the boys went out and played under the sprinkler again. They had so much fun! I made chicken, carrots and rice. It was really good actually. We had a good supper and then got moving for the rest of the night. After every supper I put the food away, do the dishes, wipe off the tables and collect the garbage and recycle. We then take the bikes around and drop off everything where it needs to go and walk around to our site again.
Tonight we had ‘dinner theater’. There was one site that was having a ‘colourful’ discussion. It was horrible. Every other word was a swear word and oh my gosh I couldn’t handle it. I just about yelled over to watch their language but I had to be quiet. I knew it was for the better. When we biked past their site 45 minutes later they were still yelling at each other. It was so bad.
When we came home from our garbage run I dried the dishes and put them away and Kyler got the bathroom bucket from the trailer and locked it back up again. I got everything cleaned up and put away. Sprayed the Lysol all over and I said a little prayer that nothing ‘exciting’ happen tonight. I’m not looking forward to this at all. We did our walk to the washrooms and I wash my face, and the boys. Then we did teeth and a washroom break. Hopefully nothing exciting happens tonight! On our way home we had some issues. Kyler fell. It’s our second injury of our camping ‘season’. I hated it. I knew it was going to happen, I could see it in slow motion but I couldn’t do anything about it. Thank goodness for the stuff Lindsay gave us for our medical kit. We patched him up and he is in bed now watching *Everyone’s Hero* movie. The boys are having their popcorn snack and some apple juice boxes. So far so good. Kyler didn’t want to take off his bathing suit (as it was the last thing we had on) so I let him keep it on and he wanted one of Daddy’s shirts so he is wearing Daddy’s Robot shirt and chilling out. His poor owies. I just hate it. It’s so hard to explain!
We decided at supper that a movie night was in order (before any of this happen) so the boys are now watching their movie and I have managed to get a few more things cleaned up and ready to be moved back out to the RT. Hopefully it will go well.
On a side note I found out a few things today/evening from one of the workers here:
*she thinks they are going to charge us an extra 8.00 for our RT. I’m so not impressed as I asked about it before. I made sure at the beginning of the summer, heck LAST year that 2 tents meant a tent trailer and something else (being the RT).
*she thinks that the campsite may make us move sites. We may have to move every month to not kill the grass. That does not appeal to me at all. The bonus is if we did I would go to the site across us or beside us. I just think a change might help the Raccoons if they keep bugging us.
Oh and since these uploads for photos are taking forever it’s now 10pm and the Raccoon is into the tent again.. This bites. I’m sure he got into something. I can hear him. I hate this thing!!!!!! Poor Kyler… he is asking me if the Raccoon is going to get his bike.
I’m missing a photo of K’s hand and the boys in bed. Maybe I’ll try and post it tomorrow but right now I need sleep. Enjoy your night everyone. I’m sure I’ll be up to my Raccoon noise at 3:30am!
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