On that fun note, we have been here a whole week! In fact I’m typing this around 8:30am and that is about when we showed up! I’m so impressed we haven’t had to sleep anywhere else and we did great. Now this coming week we have lots of rain in the forecast so that should be iffy for how things work out but I need to go home and pick up our last box of rain toys.
I have also managed to get a lot of the stuff put away but not everything. Hopefully today I can work on getting a bit more put away so that Arnold can get into bed ok tonight. I’m got most, if not all of the clothes put away last night and now I need to hang some things up in the tent and a few other things done and then I can get rid of some ‘big’ things in here.
My Challenge:
Kyler had to try and walk today. He didn’t get out of bed at all. So this morning I had to help get out of bed to go pee and we had to take off his bathing suit. For now, he is in his Daddy’s t-shirt and nothing else. If we go somewhere else we will put some tiggers on but really that’s about as much as I can get on him today. I’m ok with that.
Oh yeah… so here’s the funny part. We were calling Q ‘nature boy’ since we got here. Mainly because he seemed to HATE nature. Well this morning I was going to clean up the Raccoon stuff and he was just ready to book it out of there. So while I gave the boys both their juice cups in the trailer our ‘Nature boy’ put on his rain boots and went and sat at the trailer. Silly man!
I think that’s about all the news for this morning. We may have to re-evaluate what we have for medical supplies. I have lots of ‘normal’ Band-Aids but not enough of the big ones so we may need to get some of those today. Aside from that we are hanging out here today. It’s our first ‘full’ day here. Hopefully its still fun! Tonight, if the boys are lucky, we may do a fire. Who knows? Now if only this cloud cover would go away and it would get warm!
I was hoping to get the above stuff posted earlier today but dang my internet is on the fritz again. In fact I think now is the strongest signal I have gotten in a bit (ie 2 bars instead of 1). *knock on wood*
This morning we spent some time hanging out in the trailer. Kyler thought it was too cold so we had the heater on and just hung around. The boys watched some movies on the ‘little ‘puter’ and I worked on cleaning up this mess:
We eventually headed outside and I got to air out the boys sheets. I got the bubbles out for the boys. The ‘fun factor’ lasted a bit longer for Kyler than Quinton. Kyler was still making bubbles when I grabbed the camera but Quinton had moved onto bigger and better things.
Eventually Kyler thought it was warm enough to play in the sprinkler. Normally fine but I still had the sheets out to air out and he didn’t realize that would be an issue. See, Kyler can’t see how high the sprinkler is when he starts to turn it on so it got the sheets wet. Oh and he was fully clothed! It didn’t matter the boys had fun!
About then I finally had the bed ready and the curtain back up over the window. They were spending too much ‘nap time’ playing with the screen so I figured it was time to get it back up. Thank goodness for crazy glue. I needed to use some to keep the Velcro on. Mind you no matter how many times I read the warning “Bonds skin together instantly” I never listen. I got a glob on my finger and I was good about making sure it didn’t touch anything else but dang it’s bugging me now! I’m going to have to find my nail polish remover!
I made the boys lunch and we sat down to enjoy it. I showed Kyler the fine art of making faces with your meat. He was SO excited.
Of course once you take a photo of Kyler you have to take one of Quinton.
Here are the left over bubbles we have. As Nana and Papa can attest to you never should leave Kyler unattended with bubbles. I swear I turned my back for *seconds* and we got some on the table. It wasn’t as bad as it was with Nana and Papa but it was yucky enough that we are going to have to wash it off with straight water before using a cloth.
I put the boys down for a nap after lunch. They each got to bring 1 truck. Quinton was out almost right away. He has been cranky all morning. I just told Kyler about 10 minutes ago that it was time to take a nap so I don’t hear any whispers but I’m sure he isn’t totally out yet. While Kyler was playing around I did get into the storage benches and find a few things and pull a few things out so hopefully I can get it cleaned up for Arnold (t-10 hours, can you tell I’m excited!!).
I hope to work on it a bit more before bed time but yeah. I have to get our grocery list ready and make sure we get out to the house this weekend to get some more things for our rain days coming up next week.
*ok side note but while I’ve been typing this out we have had 3 huge RV’s come through. This will be a fun weekend!
Have a great afternoon!
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