Arnold got home last night around 10pm or so. It was great timing, not 1 hour before Matt, his boss, called me and asked that he check in with one of the Sr programmers when he got back. I guess he is important He had to fix some stuff so he spent another hour or so after he got home working on his computer on the floor in the trailer. I feel so bad. This morning, AGAIN, he had to spend some more time. I got a photo of what Daddy does as soon as he gets back from his ‘vacation’
This morning we got up around 7:30. Luck Arnold! The boys decided to be good boys and sleep in for him. I was truly hoping they would have done that while I had them myself. And yes… no sounds from the raccoons. At least I didn’t’ hear them last night.
We made a family trip to the washroom this morning and when we got back we found out that yes, the raccoons had been there. It wasn’t that bad. They tipped over the garbage can, got on the microwave and pawed at the fridge but nothing else. At least they are clueing in a bit more that we don’t’ have anything out.
While Daddy was working on his computer the boys and I played outside and played some games! I swear I turned my back for seconds and this is what I found:
Kyler was very happy with himself, until he got in trouble for taking his brothers stuff!
We set up the pool in the morning in hopes that the sun would warm it a bit. So far it is working. Thank goodness, I don’t need another cold day like yesterday!
I also made up my grocery list and to-do list for the week. I’m hoping to get some more of it done soon. It’s just hard figuring everything out and getting it all done… Normally I love planning a head but for some reason planning ‘shorter’ ahead is hard (I normally do a month of meals at once).
We left around 10am and did our running around. I got the laundry home and started 1 load. We all went to home depot and Wal-Mart and then headed home to get flip the laundry. Hopefully tomorrow we can stop in before and after church and get the rest of it done, and bring some more things back to the trailer for suppers this week.
On our way back we picked up some more Reeds Dairy and some pizza. Here’s the boys sitting down for lunch:
Got to love a fast food lunch!
We finally got the boys down for a nap and Arnold and I put all the groceries away and got things ready for supper. Arnold pulled out his ‘stash’ of stuff he got at the conference. Really not much for me. He had better make it up to me soon or he is in some serious trouble.
Oh, and you can’t forget working through his money to make sure he still has it all!
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