Today is Arnold and my Anniversary. We have been married for 5 years today. Arnold is currenly in Chicago and having a wonderful catered lunch at a work function. Me... I had crackers and cheese and I'm bloging about my day with the boys. Happy 5 years to us!
I can't believe it has been 5 years. It really doesn't feel like it at all. In the past 5 years we have:
Moved into our own townhome in Edmonton, Alberat
Finished our Degrees
Had our first child
Moved to Sarnia, Ontario
Got new jobs
Had our second baby boy
Moved to Toronto, Ontario
Started totally new jobs/company
Downsized all we own and have now moved to a campground. Seriously *never* thought that would happen.
Every day I see the changes we have made in eachothers lives, and good changes I mean :)
I love you sweety.
And just for fun:
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