I’m just now getting around to writing out our day yesterday. It was a busy one for sure!
The morning started out ok. I made the boys bed, well started to until I realized how much food was in their sheets! So I ended up putting it outside shaking it out and letting it air out for a bit. Everyone got dressed and we played around for a bit.
Eventually (close to 11:30am) we started working on filling the van. We needed our chairs for soccer, the soccer balls, our soccer stuff, the meals for daddy, the broken phone (all the pieces for it), and a bunch of other stuff for our picnic we were having later.
By the time we were ready to go Mommy had realized she forgot the library stuff and we had to make another load for the car. Kyler was a GREAT helper!
I took my time getting to Arnold’s work since I knew he had a meeting at 11am that was scheduled to take 2 hours, if it did or not it totally random lately! On the way the boys took in a short nap. I got to the parking garage and paid for my ticket (thank goodness for coins!) and we headed up to Daddy’s office with his lunches for the next 2 weeks.
Q was NOT a happy camper at all. He wanted to be held but I couldn’t do it. It’s too hard to hold him, and a bag of meals and K’s hand so I made him walk and he was not happy, at all.
By the time we got into Arnolds office he was screaming so loud. Whoever answered the door didn’t know us and was giving me funny looks but I walked right in and Arnold came around the corner after hearing Q screaming and took the boys to the ‘Men’s room!” This was *very* exciting for a 4 year old, and calmed the 2 year old right down!
I packed his freezer at work full of meals and then we headed out for lunch. We went to Boston Pizza and I asked Arnold to call the Rogers line and complain again and see if he could talk to some people about getting us 2 phones.
So while I watched the boys and waited for our lunch Arnold made the call and got someone really good. She ended up getting us the 2 phones we wanted for 50.00 (each phone at their ‘discounted’ price was about 80 and 299). I was so happy he called because I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to get that deal without the phone call. There were 2 options then. Get both phones shipped ASAP or get my phone and pay 5.00 and get Arnold’s phone shipped as soon as the first phone was bought. Since I needed a phone asap we picked that option.
After lunch we went back to the car and drove to the Rogers Plus Store and picked up my new phone. Then we dropped daddy back off at work and headed on our way. By then it was about 2:30 or so. I took my time going to our next stop (the library). We got there and went inside. I had a few things on hold already which was nice, so we got those, and the boys each got their own books for this week. The Librarian who was there asked if we are always coming on Wednesdays. I told her yep! It’s Soccer day and we will come those days to get new books. She seemed excited to have ‘regulars’ during the summer. Once we were done there I wanted to show the boys the new splash park. We checked it out and tried the buttons but it didn’t work. Then this nice girl came up and showed us that they had to be held in to make them go off. Kyler was ALL over that one. Here are a few shots I got with my new camera phone:

After playing in there for about 1 hour or so we headed back to the car. Since I wasn’t 100% sure how our day would go I didn’t pack towels. I did pack an extra change of clothes for Quinton (K had his soccer outfit) but they were pants and it was still quite hot out! I managed to get them into something to last and then we went to the grocery store. We picked up some stuff for our picnic and headed off to the park.
We met up with Kristina, Tim and E at the park. Lori was running a bit late so we didn’t get to hang out with her there. Kyler fell just before everyone got there and hurt his knee! The poor guy, I swear he has the worst of luck. Anyway we had a great picnic with cheese, meat, sub toppings, chips, and a bunch of other stuff. It was really good. I think that is going to be our Wednesday meals since I can get the sub buns fresh before practice!
Then we quickly headed over to the Soccer game (I forgot it started at 6:20pm instead of 6:30pm). They played a GREAT game. We got a new player, Owen, and he is KILLER! I’m so proud of him! He scored all 7 of our goals! Mind you we still lost 9 to 7 but that is MUCH better than the 5 to 0 last week. Hopefully we do better next week. I ended up helping Arnold in his new role for a bit so I didn’t get any photos of Owen playing but here’s some from last night

*Q sharing a ball with a girl on the other team

*Arnold in his new role as Assistant Coach for the games at least. He has to keep track of who was on the field and who needs a turn as well as who got all the goals for the other team

*Run Run Run!

*I kicked the ball! Anytime this little boy kicks the ball he is ALL over it like that and forgets he has to kick again!

*Logan and his love Ella
Now I know I have no photos of Kyler and that’s because I really don’t have too many from last night. Kyler was in Goal last night and he LOVED it but he needed that extra encouragement to not sit in the net, or pull on the netting, or trip or anything so I spent most of my time there shooting photos outwards instead of in front of me.
When the game was over we headed home and did a quick clean up. The boys watched one of their new movies (a new George movie that is episodes from TV and we watched 2) and we did our bathroom run and hung out for a bit. Then it was bedtime.