I never got in a short nap. Isn’t that always the way? Oh well there’s not much I can do now.
Once the boys got up they came over to visit me on my bed and played with things they shouldn’t. You know how it is! Eventually they wanted to go outside and play. One problem… well 2. Kyler had no n-o-t-h-i-n-g and Q had on a diaper. After dancing around the fact that they weren’t allowed outside like that we found them some of their swimming shirts.
Aren’t they cute?
We played outside for a while and I made supper of left over Mac & Cheese with hotdogs. Both ate a little bit. I’m not totally surprised as they were eating a lot at lunch time. We finished that, cleaned up (thanks to my big helper Kyler) and we went for our rushed washroom break as we always do.
Kyler *really* had to poop but when we got up to the bathrooms he didn’t want to have anything to do with going poop… so guess what he did as soon as he got back on the potty? Yeah I was not a happy camper then as I reminded him like 3 times that he wanted to go poop when we went to the potty… arg.
Anyway I slowly went around and started the cleanup process. This involved taking down my laundry (I miss my old laundry line. I was so spoiled. I want it here!), cleaning up toys and wiping off the table that was covered in Raccoon prints!
Eventually I got ready to have people over and Kristina came to visit!!! I’m so glad I have a friend like her! She went and picked up the kids some cheerios for tomorrow morning along with some breakfast for me and some of the tips and tricks stuff for keeping Raccoons away. We sprayed Lysol all over the place (seriously *I* wouldn’t want to go near it unless I had too) and we put a ‘test can’ out for the Raccoons. I put some Cheerios in a container and put hot sauce on it (on the sides and on the lids). Hopefully they stay away! I guess tonight will tell. Although I’m no longer the closest to the garbage so maybe it will make a difference!
Kristina was wonderful and played Frisbee with the boys. We sat and chatted and she would throw it out and the boys would run after it. We totally wore them out! Around 8:45pm we walked Auntie Kristina to the bathrooms and then had our nightly break there. We headed back to the campsite. It was a bit scary for Kyler as we went past the dumpsters but he did ok. He really doesn’t like the Raccoons.
I put them to bed when we got home with their hot water bottles and they are off to sleep. Or at least I hope so. Especially since Kyler didn’t nap at all.
I, on the other hand, am blogging then I’m writing up my to-do/buy list for tomorrow. Since we have a Doctor’s appointment for Quinton I may as well get in some shopping at the same time!
Have a wonderful night everyone.
PS… yes Arnold is having fun, and learning lots
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