I'm back! My hard drive on the labtop was fried! I tried to turn it on on Wednesday and wish everyone a Happy Canada Day and I couldn't get it to find an operating system. Needless to say it's been a but since posting.
But I'm back. I hope to have some time to update this weekend. I did lose 15 days worth of photos which works out, for me, to be about 1500 photos! I know alot but I take alot and only post a few on here. Hopefully I can somehow get them back!
Hope you all had a wonderful vacation and are enjoying this weekend!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Week 7 Day 3 - Sunday, June 28th - Fire!!
We got to sleep in a bit since Sunday school has ended for the summer. It didn’t really feel like it since we had to go in and get Arnold’s Wheel.
Q woke up looking, and feeling, much better. K and Q snuggled with me on our bed for a bit while Arnold made us pancakes! It was so good, or well, “hot cakes” and K calls them now. As soon as we were done I got the boys dressed, one by one, to go to church and we headed out. But not before at least 1 of them got dirty. Wouldn’t you guess it hey?
We headed out to downtown and got Arnold’s Wheel from the store and then went to church. We got the kids dropped off in the nursery and up to church for the 1st song! It worked out rather well. We had a good service and then we headed out. I tried to get into the library but they weren’t open so we didn’t get new books. I did get to visit with a few people. Tonight was the last Sing and Share of the year and we went last year and it was fun. The problem was that we didn’t want to go and fill up their house since it said it would be thunder storms. So instead of having 20 to 30 youth and 2 kids running around we pulled ourselves out of the mix. It worked out ok in general I guess.
After church we went to Pickering and found a BP’s to have supper at. It was good. They took off my Thai Chicken Pizza and I really wanted it so the girl said the kitchen could make it. They did but they used a different sauce. Not at all what I was hoping for but they were really sweet and comp’ed our meal. So for the 4 of us to eat it cost 27.00. Totally doable with our budget!
We went home and the boys watched a movie while I cleaned up the trailer and Arnold did laundry and cleaned the green tent.
I took these photos of the ‘chocolate pizza’ from BP’s:

If you can’t read it the box says : Hi! I’m a kids chocolate pizza. I fit in the smallest of hands. I’m so good, I never want to grow up.
How cute!
When he got back we went on a ‘wood-picking’ run around the campground. We had one load left in the dryer so we packed the kids up in the car and a sheet of plastic in the back and we went and picked up any leftover wood from other campsites. We/Arnold has been doing this every week since we got here and seriously it turns out to be A LOT of wood.

When we got home we made supper (burgers) and had that and then Arnold made us a HUGE fire from all the wood we have collected in the past 2 weeks. We burned a lot of things we didn’t need/want anymore. Boxes of cooking chocolate, freezer burned veggies, moldy bread, buns, left over burgers, and a bit of chips of chips. It worked out rather well for cleaning the fridge.
The boys went for 1 more bike ride up to the washrooms/parks and Kyler had an accident. He was biking up a STEAP hill and took his feet off the pedals to push up (we are guessing) and he started to go backwards (there are no hand breaks on his bike) and he went too fast down the hill and smashed the side of his face into the yellow polls. The poor dude! He seemed fine when they got to the park and was promised some underdogs and some cake when he got back to the campsite!
I finished cleaning up the trailer while they were gone so we had room for our rainy week.
The boys got back and we watched the fire a bit more. Arnold raised the swing up a bit since it was getting too low for them and then it was off to bed. We had a fun night!
Q woke up looking, and feeling, much better. K and Q snuggled with me on our bed for a bit while Arnold made us pancakes! It was so good, or well, “hot cakes” and K calls them now. As soon as we were done I got the boys dressed, one by one, to go to church and we headed out. But not before at least 1 of them got dirty. Wouldn’t you guess it hey?
We headed out to downtown and got Arnold’s Wheel from the store and then went to church. We got the kids dropped off in the nursery and up to church for the 1st song! It worked out rather well. We had a good service and then we headed out. I tried to get into the library but they weren’t open so we didn’t get new books. I did get to visit with a few people. Tonight was the last Sing and Share of the year and we went last year and it was fun. The problem was that we didn’t want to go and fill up their house since it said it would be thunder storms. So instead of having 20 to 30 youth and 2 kids running around we pulled ourselves out of the mix. It worked out ok in general I guess.
After church we went to Pickering and found a BP’s to have supper at. It was good. They took off my Thai Chicken Pizza and I really wanted it so the girl said the kitchen could make it. They did but they used a different sauce. Not at all what I was hoping for but they were really sweet and comp’ed our meal. So for the 4 of us to eat it cost 27.00. Totally doable with our budget!
We went home and the boys watched a movie while I cleaned up the trailer and Arnold did laundry and cleaned the green tent.
I took these photos of the ‘chocolate pizza’ from BP’s:
If you can’t read it the box says : Hi! I’m a kids chocolate pizza. I fit in the smallest of hands. I’m so good, I never want to grow up.
How cute!
When he got back we went on a ‘wood-picking’ run around the campground. We had one load left in the dryer so we packed the kids up in the car and a sheet of plastic in the back and we went and picked up any leftover wood from other campsites. We/Arnold has been doing this every week since we got here and seriously it turns out to be A LOT of wood.
When we got home we made supper (burgers) and had that and then Arnold made us a HUGE fire from all the wood we have collected in the past 2 weeks. We burned a lot of things we didn’t need/want anymore. Boxes of cooking chocolate, freezer burned veggies, moldy bread, buns, left over burgers, and a bit of chips of chips. It worked out rather well for cleaning the fridge.
The boys went for 1 more bike ride up to the washrooms/parks and Kyler had an accident. He was biking up a STEAP hill and took his feet off the pedals to push up (we are guessing) and he started to go backwards (there are no hand breaks on his bike) and he went too fast down the hill and smashed the side of his face into the yellow polls. The poor dude! He seemed fine when they got to the park and was promised some underdogs and some cake when he got back to the campsite!
I finished cleaning up the trailer while they were gone so we had room for our rainy week.
The boys got back and we watched the fire a bit more. Arnold raised the swing up a bit since it was getting too low for them and then it was off to bed. We had a fun night!
Week 7 Day 2 - Saturday, June 27th - Soccer photos, sickie and picnics!
This morning I was the first out of bed. I headed off to the washroom and when I got back the ‘fun’ began.
When I opened the trailer door and told the boys it was time to get moving nothing really exciting happen then Q started to fuss. The bad kind of fussing. And sure enough Arnold’s hand got under his mouth just in time to deal with the puke. Yep he was sick! Dang our luck sucks!
We managed to get Q changed into some different clothes and he seemed ok. We found out later that he wasn’t. He was just getting ready for the next bout of puking. I felt so bad for him. He won’t spit forward (sorry if TMI) he would rather stick his head back and just swallow. This proved an issue in the car later.
Anyway we got him changed, loaded up the car and he puked again. Then we headed off to get Arnold’s wheel fixed. Q got sick again in the car. Arnold and I had to trade places because his arms were longer and he could pull Q’s head forward to puke instead of him swallowing everything. The poor boy. We brought it to the shop and they said it would take until Tuesday… hum no thanks! So Arnold started to call around and find a new place while I drove to Wal-Mart. We got some dugs for Q and some snacks for our picnic later in the day. We went from there to Old Navy and got our Canada Day Shirts. I can tell now that K is going to have the $$ taste. We had some Canada Day shirts and he told me he didn’t like it and wanted a different one so we got that instead… 7.50 more than his brothers shirt. Oh good… teenage years will drain our bank accounts.
Arnold and Q came out of the car and went in with us to Old navy to get cleaned up then headed out just as we were paying. When we got out Q was sitting on Arnold’s lap on the side of the parking lot thing throwing up again. I just wanted to scoop him up and snuggle him but he wouldn’t have it. I put him in his seat and called the Drs Office. We have a WONDERFUL doctor’s office. They have walk-in’s for the kids on the weekends and they had one at our office so Kyler and I jumped out of the car at Lawrence and Midland and brought our soccer stuff and Arnold and Q went to the doctor’s office and the bike shop (we found one that would have it ready by 1pm that day). K and I stopped for some quick breakfast and walked over to the school.
Kyler and Mommy having breakfast - K’s new favourite breakfast “hotcakes!”
It took us a bit but we got there in time. At least what I felt was in time. He got a super cute photo of him in his uniform and the team photos. We were missing some people but that’s ok. I’m going to bring my camera and get a photo of the whole team later this summer and just e’mail everyone.
We waited around for a bit and the kids had some ice cream.
Arnold showed up shortly after we were done, like around 11:30 or so and we all drove down to the Bluffs. The doctor told Arnold that it was most likely food poising or the flu. Just to treat the symptoms and stay off dairy. Lori and her family stopped and got something to eat at a subway. Kristina and her family along with us, stopped and got something to eat (some had bigger issues getting food than others). We met up and found a picnic table and had our lunches. Kristina, Tim and E had to be home around 2pm so they left as well as Kevin, Lori, Lo and Ke. So the boys and I went down to the ‘beach’ area. We stopped and got some popsicles and headed down. Q threw up again so when we got there he and daddy change their shirts. We played for about 45 minutes to 1 hour and then headed home. Our packing pass was up by then but we had A LOT of fun. We will go back again once Q is feeling better and without a stroller. Arnold and I figure a backpack, some snacks and a blanket and we are good to go!
On the way home the boys took a nap. Arnold drove nice and slow and we even got to stop at McDonalds and get something to drink. We headed home and took our time. We opened up the van and let the boys keep sleeping while I relaxed on the hammock and Arnold chilled out on a chair. When Q got up he came and snuggled with me and seemed to be better. K got up shortly after and came out and snuggled as well. They went biking and met a new friend. He was visiting his grandparents so they got to hang out. He plays soccer as well so he and K were kicking around the ball. They had a blast.
We eventually got hungry and wanted something good for supper. We packed everyone up and went to M&M’s and got some turkey wrapped in bacon, and double stuffed potatoes. WE started to cook and found out we had no propane left! That meant supper was delayed. Actually by the time we ate it was closer to 7:30pm or so. We had a great supper once it was cooked, but we did come to realized that we need to go shopping! WE wanted to use some butter and we had left it in the microwave and it got warm, melted and molded! Can you tell it’s been a bit since we needed the butter? So yeah shopping list was started then and there!
We headed off to bed after the boys went for some bike rides. They had a lot of comments on our ‘mini-van-bike’. It was fun! On the last ride with the boys I stayed home and did some catching up and got to visit with our neighbours who were leaving the next day. They have been here for a month from Texas visiting her mother and some family members. They gave us their left over wood (2 bags worth) and we got to visit a bit about things around the campground and such. It was fun.
Week 7 Day 1 - Friday, June 26th - Kites!
We had a really nice and slow morning. The boys and I kind of just took our time hanging out and not doing much. I got some blogging done (great when the boys play nicely!) and eventually got out the laundry that we had from the other day. It took some work to get that out on the line but it was done. And with the hot sun it really didn’t take that much time.
The boys and I got on the road around 10am or so and booked it around town. We went to the storage unit and paid our rent and got a few more things put in there (after cleaning up a box that fell and scare me!) and figured out just how much we might be able to get in there again. We went back to the campsite, but past it really. We got our mail and some groceries for supper. After finishing that up I took the boys to McDonalds.
We had lunch there and found out that Kyler likes hamburgers. Ones that have basically nothing on them! Thank goodness! The boys really wanted to go to this McDonalds (the one by the house) because it has a play place. By the time I was sitting down I looked up and read the sign that says no playing without socks. Too-Darn-Bad! There was no way in heck I was telling my boys they couldn’t play in there now. So they broke the rules… I know teaching them bad things at such a young age! Shame on me.
When we got home the boys were going to have a nap but were so hyped from the play place that we did a sprinkler instead! They had a blast playing around and getting wet. Kyler thought the boys should wear their ‘tigger swimming suits”. So that’s what we did. Both boys had on some tiggers and went in the water.
After some serious water play it was nap time. That actually lasted for quite some time. They woke up around 4:30 or so. We started to get things ready for supper (potatoes, corn/beans, and meat-on-a-stick). Arnold didn’t leave on time to get some veggies from the fresh veggies stand so we did the canned corn and beans instead. We had a good supper! After supper we played with the kites. It was so windy that it was fun. Arnold went whipping around with the boys and sure enough got it stuck in a tree! He had to use the van and a big poll to get it out. Man that man! You think being a kid feeling would be gone but nope!
These were taken by Kyler (I may have to get him a real camera soon)

We got the boys to bed around 9:30pm or so and we went to sleep very shortly afterwards. We knew it was going to be a big day after our sleep!
The boys and I got on the road around 10am or so and booked it around town. We went to the storage unit and paid our rent and got a few more things put in there (after cleaning up a box that fell and scare me!) and figured out just how much we might be able to get in there again. We went back to the campsite, but past it really. We got our mail and some groceries for supper. After finishing that up I took the boys to McDonalds.
We had lunch there and found out that Kyler likes hamburgers. Ones that have basically nothing on them! Thank goodness! The boys really wanted to go to this McDonalds (the one by the house) because it has a play place. By the time I was sitting down I looked up and read the sign that says no playing without socks. Too-Darn-Bad! There was no way in heck I was telling my boys they couldn’t play in there now. So they broke the rules… I know teaching them bad things at such a young age! Shame on me.
When we got home the boys were going to have a nap but were so hyped from the play place that we did a sprinkler instead! They had a blast playing around and getting wet. Kyler thought the boys should wear their ‘tigger swimming suits”. So that’s what we did. Both boys had on some tiggers and went in the water.
After some serious water play it was nap time. That actually lasted for quite some time. They woke up around 4:30 or so. We started to get things ready for supper (potatoes, corn/beans, and meat-on-a-stick). Arnold didn’t leave on time to get some veggies from the fresh veggies stand so we did the canned corn and beans instead. We had a good supper! After supper we played with the kites. It was so windy that it was fun. Arnold went whipping around with the boys and sure enough got it stuck in a tree! He had to use the van and a big poll to get it out. Man that man! You think being a kid feeling would be gone but nope!
These were taken by Kyler (I may have to get him a real camera soon)
We got the boys to bed around 9:30pm or so and we went to sleep very shortly afterwards. We knew it was going to be a big day after our sleep!
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