Quinton woke up early. It’s so cute when he gets up compared to his brother. There are no questions actually asked except maybe Mommy? But that is it. Here’s what I see when he gets up from his nap(excuse the garbage)
Kyler was still sleeping when Trevor, our babysitter, got here at 4:15pm. I had to convince K to get up so we could go to school Trevor got him dressed and ready to go while I changed Q’s dirty bum. We gave him the new details of the house/trailer and off we went to SCHOOL!
Before we left Q had to have his photo taken:
For Kyler’s big night we went out for supper at Boston Pizza. Kyler and I got there at 4:45pm (after making a quick stop at home to look for some papers) and we got a booth for us to sit in. Kyler and I ordered as soon as we got there and waited for Daddy. Kyler ordered Chicken Fingers and Fries (no surprise there) and chocolate milk.
Before it got there we played with some of the toys they had in the kids kit. It was a pop out kitchen, with different toppings for pizzas and stuff. Kyler and I had a lot of fun playing with it!
When Daddy got there he joined in:
Kyler chose ‘dirt and worms’ for dessert. He eats the gummy worms and I eat the pudding.
After supper we went to his school because Kyler was SO excited. He really wanted to go (we were almost a half hour early). Daddy got a photo of him with the School sign on it.
We asked A LOT of questions and got to do some different things. It was great! I really enjoyed it. The teacher, Mrs. A., remembered a lot of what we had talked about with her before. I’m so grateful to have a school like that. We did talk to the principal about us nothing having a permanent place to live near the school yet. He told us he needs the numbers but would be happy to let us in when Sept comes around. While K was playing around he met his ‘bestest friend Jewels’. She lives in a different district as well but her mom likes this school better so they are going here. I’m looking forward to seeing all the new kids in September.
When you left the JK room you got a package with lots of things in it. Here is K sitting in the car with his:
It includes:
*All the information we picked up that night and did (there was a passport for each station, some arts and crafts stuff, information from the health nurse and a few other things)
*more information about the sessions we did that night and what they mean to the kids
*3 books (Nose to Toes, Canada in Colours, and Canada 1 2 3)
*a “Starting School” pamphlet with information about what they need to know before school
*a library card pack – info on how to get one for kids
*2 packs of construction paper
*10 jumbo crayons
*a big pencil
*a glue stick
*kids scissors
*magnetic letters and number (letters are upper and lower case)
*a “My letter Pack” from the school. Each page is a letter from the alphabet and numbers 1 to 10 as well as some bigger sheets to put them on a magnetic board so they can match them
It is so cool! Kyler is even more excited about school now!
We got home and went to bed after Kyler got to hang out with Trevor for a bit. Arnold put a new latch and lock on the fridge for the Raccoons and then drove Trevor home.
I’m glad he put the lock on before he left cause our first ‘visitors’ showed up right after he left. Then our next group came and dumped the pots and pans at 4am. I HATE that guy. He is huge. And loud. And annoying!
All in all it turned out to be an ok day.
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