Ours was nice and relaxing. Actually, that’s why I didn’t get to post on here at nap time. Arnold and I were busy getting some things done. Here’s how our day went:
We woke up around 1am to Quinton. He fell out of bed. The poor guy! He came and snuggled with us for a bit then Arnold brought him back to bed.
When we finally woke up for good it was around 7:30 or so. We got up and went for our morning walk to the washrooms and then came back to make breakfast. We had a whole bunch of food! We had bacon, eggs, and pancakes.
While Arnold was making breakfast Quinton went for an adventure! He went climbing on the van. Kyler finally warmed up to being awake.
We sat down at the table for an incredible breakfast! I loved it! Both boys were ready to pray and eat when I pulled out the camera.
As soon as breakfast was over we booked it over to the house. Everyone jumped in the shower and we started a new load of laundry. We got a few more things cleaned up it was nice. After the campfire last night Arnold and I decided that Saturday nights should be bath nights instead of campfire night. That way we can all be clean for church on Sunday. Here are my clean boys!
On the way home from church we stopped and got some subs from Mr. Sub.
We wanted to wait to eat until we got to the campsite so the boys got some chips instead!
Quinton fell asleep on the way home from the house from getting a few things. Arnold tucked him right into bed for nap time but Kyler stayed awake and ate his lunch. Then he went to ‘bed’ but he never fell asleep. Here’s what I found while peeking in the window:
Arnold took a few minutes to clean off the windows of our van. Last night it rained for about 2 hours or so and there was more issues with the pollen coming off the trees and such so he wanted to get it off, that and work on his farmers tan
Arnold and I spent a lot of the afternoon working on the RT. We wanted to reorganize it a bit more. Here’s mid process:
And the end looking:
After nap time we had some adventures in a pool and in the sprinkler. The one at the top of the stairs was broken so we used our own. Even Daddy got involved. IT was great fun. Arnold commented at one point that he was surprised how much fun the kids can have with about 2 inches of water in the bottom of the pool and a sprinkler!
Oh wait… I guess I should explain the first photo. This is Quinton right after a nap. I told him we could go in the pool if we were all dressed for it and ready to go so we got him down to a diaper and I told him he had to go pee (since everyone knows… getting wet for kids = peeing in the water ). He freaked! Enjoy the photos!
While we were playing the neighbours dogs came to visit. The boys were so excited!
Kyler is getting so good on his bike! Here he is flying by us on a walk around the park:
Arnold and Kyler went for a bike ride up to go potty while I got Quinton changed for the night time. Since we were re-doing the RT all the bikes were out. Q loves checking out his Daddy’s bike. I started to get things ready for dinner and sure enough he hurts himself. Here’s a picture of what I found when I rounded the corner:
After supper the kids just played around. We didn’t do much else all day. Here are a few random photos of the kids playing around:
(Quinton having a temper tantrum)
Right now the boys are enjoying a movie with Daddy in the trailer. I just finished folding all the clothes in the trailer and helping Daddy get ready for his ride tomorrow. I think he is finally ready to go! I’m happy for that. The best part is the meals. I’m not sure if you know but I made up about 2 weeks worth of meals. I brought them into work one day and put them in the freezer with Arnold’s name on them. Sarah, the receptionist, helped me find a spot for them and he is good to go for 2 weeks of food! I’m so happy about that. 2 weeks later when he is done, or almost done, my girlfriend said I can go to her house and cook some meals. I’m going to pick up some oven meals and a CP meal or two and do that and make him some more food. I’m hoping that will keep him going for the summer. Every 2 weeks I’ll go in and see him or the boys and I will take Daddy out for lunch one day when we come by to visit!
Well we are off to bed soon. Please say a prayer for Arnold tomorrow with his 24.9km ride to work!
And one last photo of the boys watching Toy Story.
Everything seems to be going well! I hope you are all adjusting well!