We all napped until about 4:45 or so then when the boys started to get going we got changed into some warm clothes (wow it got cold fast today) and went up the stairs to go to the washroom and to play at the park. Who would have guessed a walk to the washroom would have turned into time at the park. And me without my camera! Not fair!
We came back after about 20 minutes there and started to get supper ready for Daddy. This was about 6pm or so. I wasn’t expecting him back until 6:30 but wouldn’t you know it he arrived a half hour early! Wow he did great! I’m so proud of him!
The boys and I made sour cream and onion CP chicken and some rice and broccoli. Here’s our yummy supper!
And the biker man:
And I swear with this family once you start taking photos everyone must say cheese:
After we had our meal and started to clean up the boys put away some toys and got ready for another bike ride to the washrooms and to play at the playground:
Cool dude:
Ok so we have a rule. You MUST wear a helmet when biking. If it’s an emergency (like the boys have to pee right away) sometimes we will let the helmet thing slide. BUT generally it is a rule, you must where your helmet. The boys are learning to put theirs away and to put them on. Here is Q learning by himself.
Step 1 – get helmet and figure out front from back
Step 2 – put helmet on
Step 3 – make sure it is secure and find clicking spot
Step 4 – if it doesn’t feel right try to push on head further before clicking it on
Step 5 – jiggle head side to side and see if it helps
Step 6 – take a break (putting a helmet on is hard work!
Step 7 – try to click again
Step 8 – take it off and ask Mommy for some help.
During our afternoon play we did some ‘underdogs’. For those who don’t remember or have never done one that is when you push someone all the way above your head and run like there is no tomorrow in hopes that their feet don’t come smashing on your head. Well, I did one or 2 with the boys this afternoon. Just for fun. I informed them that their Daddy was the *best* at doing this. He didn’t seem too impressed when he found this out but he did help out just the same.
When Daddy got home from work and we started to go up to the park Kyler asked if Daddy could do some under puppies! Arnold looked so confused. It took us a bit to realize what he was talking about. Once we did we decided that Kyler could get underdogs and Quinton could get underpuppies.
Here are some swing photos. It is SO hard to get them in focus. Any photo help would be great!
Daddy got it that both boys could give him high fives while in the air:
And this is how Quinton asks for an ‘underpuppy’
I don’t remember if I said anything before but the last few days while it has been warm Kyler has been trying to get their water spray-er-thingie to work. I’m not sure why it hasn’t. So today while we were upstairs paying for our tent they told us they don’t put it on until it’s a bit warmer out. Here’s an ode (in photos) to the water spray-er-thingie:
The button. That needs to be pushed but doesn’t work
The water spray-er-thingie. That is there to spray water for little boys and girls
The ‘whole’ water park. This is it, the whole place for all the water
I managed to bounce down the stairs before the boys did and get a few photos of them coming down (BTW I just realized they all have their helmets on during the photos of the park. It’s not that we don’t trust them to not fall down and smack themselves or anything, it’s more that we are all too lazy to carry them and if it is already on their heads why encourage them to take it off?)
The men I love!
Our trusty sign to tell us where to go!
We got back and got ready for bed. For some reason Quinton thinks if he holds onto his bowl it will magically refill. So much so that we got him snuggled down to bed and he was still holding onto it!
Here is K finishing up his snack:
And it’s lights out for them! Tonight I did turn on the heater as it is a bit chilly here. Arnold has made another trip home to get some more food and a few other things (like chairs for him to sit on for breakfast). Hopefully he won’t be too long. I’m ready for bed myself!
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