That’s all I seem to be doing lately. Maybe it’s not so much cleaning but organizing or putting things away when other people don’t put it away properly.
Today the boys got up early, well early compared to yesterday. Q got up early enough to go and visit with Daddy in the RT for breakfast and K got up just after Arnold left for work.
I managed to sneak a few shots of Q sneaking breakfast (we more breakfast):
They goofed off for a bit and then went outside to drive the birds crazy. Today is just not the best day for me and them. I think we have reached our limits. I’ve been with them all day this week. And I really just wanted to have some time with other people (like a zoo day with friends) or just have a bit of a break during the week.
Anyway today I have gone through our drawers and taken out the clothes we haven’t used in a month (most is warm clothes or dressier clothes) and I’m going to bring them to the storage unit today or tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the trailer and RT cleaned up a bit before people come to visit on Sunday for the boys birthday parties!
Once the boys were done goofing off for a bit they had lunch and came inside for a nap. Q went down almost right away but Kyler wanted to play. I let him outside and *just* as I did I looked up to see a Raccoon visiting the campsite next to us (I spent most of the day watching this woman, her daughter and boyfriend sent up 3 tent and then leave)
I think K managed to scare it away! He didn’t come into our yard that’s for sure.
It was SOOO hot today. I ended up setting up the sprinkler and letting the boys play in it after nap time:
Once Arnold got home we had meat on a stick, potatoes and carrots. It was REALLY good! I had put the camera away in the afternoon and wouldn’t you know it, the boys just wanted photos taken. Instead I just enjoyed being with them for a bit!
At night we put the boys down to bed and Arnold and I stayed outside and had some hot chocolate, and visited around the campfire. It was nice to hang out. We really enjoyed not doing much and visiting. We got to look at the stars and generally do nothing. It was a lot of fun!
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