Saturday, June 20, 2009

Speech Therapy - Week 1 - UPDATE

We have been working on it for almost 1 week. I would say about 2 to 3 times a day Q will come up on my lap, take my hands and say ROW or UP UP UP! Then I know what he wants. In our books we were given there was a spot that talked about a 'new' song to do called "'Round and 'Round the Garden"

Basically here's what you do:

Take the childs hand in yours and have it facing palm up.
With your pointer finger do this:


'Round and 'round the garden
Goes the Teddy Bear (While drawing a circle on their palm)
One step (make your fingers 'walk' up their arm)
Two step (get closer to their shoulder)
Tickle you under there! (and tickle them).

Q loves loves loves this one!

We are working on reading books, when we can. We have our library books for 1 more week so that is helpful. Then we will bring them back and get some new ones.

He also spends alot of time on my bed (since it's been raining alot) and we play eye to eye. A friend of ours (thanks SOOO much Tracy) got Q a game called "knows the nose" or something like that. You have 4 animals to choose from (you get cards with their faces on them) and you have to put your hand into a bag and pull out a nose and see if it matches your cards. We have so much fun playing with that saying things like "Nose on! Nose off! silly Nose (when it's on the wrong one)" It really is a new teaching adventure!

We have now 'mastered' the words:


I will have to find our list for the other words he knew when we went into our appointment compaired to what he knows now.

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