Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Week 3 Day 6 - Wednesday, June 3rd - Bath day!

Last Nights’ Score: Raccoons 0 Arnold 1 Yah!!

Last night Arnold locked up so well! The Raccoons came in and check things out (and knocked over my Kanteen) but did nothing else! I’m so proud of my husband. The other night when they got into some containers he was just about ready to leave. I told him a few more nights and we could do it again (role reversal hey?)

This morning was a bit different than normal. Arnold was off like a bullet this morning because he had a breakfast with the company. They went out somewhere for a big huge breakfast and had a blast I guess. They all got to the office around 10:30am or so. Nice for them!

The boys were outside by 8am while I was on the phone and they just went wild! I called them back after I got off and saw them… I grabbed the camera. Can you guess where they were?

Then the boys brought me their soccer balls to have their names written on them. Every player got a ball at the first practice and we figured we should get our names on them ASAP so we don’t have any issues. So Kyler’s’ name is on the new one and Quinton’s’ name is on his from Christmas:


After a bit more time of them being too quite I called them back and found out K had found a bag of chocolate. I’m not 100% sure how because I locked the fridge today (or I think I did) and I’m pretty sure it was in the fridge. Anyway it was taken out and the boys found some good chocolate. This is Q enjoying his chocolate:

*Look Mom Chocolate!

*It looks really good, even on my fingers.

*I wonder what it would be like if I liked my fingers

*hum… that was good

*Do you think every finger tastes that good?



*more! I want more!

*hehe… she is still watching me

The chocolate mess was my cue for bath time. Last night I had Arnold fill up the shower with water and this morning it was lukewarm. I got the kids to get naked and sit on the table. Each got a bucket with water and soap and a washcloth. Off they went! I’m glad to say that it worked! Each washed up really well. I got this just after the screaming stopped:


I made them sit there while I got them some lunch. I explained to them that Daddy is Dutch… and they like to eat ‘special’ things on their sandwiches. Like Daddy likes to have sugar and strawberries (forgive me if it’s not a Dutch thing but I needed an example, darn 4 year olds who want to know everything!). I then showed Kyler the fine art of making peanut butter sandwiches with chocolate sprinkles! The real thing, I promise! We got them at the Dutch store in Sarnia!


Once lunch was over I got them inside the trailer and dressed, one at a time then off to bed. Today I was smart! I left the curtain open and they are out! I think maybe a half hour or so since I started this and they are now totally asleep! Let’s hope it lasts a little longer than yesterday!

Tonight we have soccer. Before it starts I’m going to switch my lens over to the zoom one and see if I can get some better shots!

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