This morning Arnold was back to work. Up at 6am and then off to the showers. He stayed and snuggled with Q and I for a bit longer than normal since he was going to work late. We hung around until about 7:30am. That’s when Q and DH went to Nana’s bus and DH said goodbye to everyone and Q stayed to play. I went over shortly after (this gave me some internet’ing time and some time to clean up a bit).
We played with some Play Doh:
We had a late breakfast of bacon, toast, buns and juice! It was fun! After breakfast the boys and I hung out in the bus to visit. Nana tried to take a break and put her feet up but the kids had other plans.
Once everyone had got potty (and peeked in on each other) we got everyone dressed and Nana took the kids on a ‘walk’ (no it didn’t end up being 3 hours this time). I got to organize some clothes and get some stuff done (not even close to getting everything put away) while they were gone.
*Now, Dad took some photos on the camera mom was bringing with her but I figured I should have some in case we need them for the missing posters:
*The smart man not going this time:
*Pictures from the walk:
I got a text message from Nana asking me to go to the park because she had to go to the washroom and she needed someone to watch the kids. By the time I got up there all the kids were in the bathroom. I hung around for a bit watching them and then I went back to the trailer to do some more cleaning up and get some stuff for lunch.
After the kids all returned home we got some lunch ready and then the kids played around in the bus while Nana and Papa packed up. I can’t believe how much stuff they can fit in that bus! We had a trunk load of stuff for them and their stuff, 4 bikes, 1 scooter and a bunch of other stuff. I was so impressed!! We all said goodbye and my kids were wiped out! Off for nap we all went!
While the boys were napping I started looking around the trailer for K’s soccer shoes. I really didn’t want to go outside since it had started to rain already. It was not looking like a good day for us. But I eventually found them in the RT. I packed up our soccer bag and worked on putting more clothes away and getting a bit more organized.
When everyone got up from nap we started to get ready for soccer. Everyone got changed and headed off to the van. I put everything inside and then we stopped at the washrooms. We went to the gas station and then to Mc Donalds for supper. It was our ‘meeting place’ for everyone (well us, Auntie Kristina and her family and Auntie Lori and her family). We had our supper there and headed off to soccer.
We got there and got our uniforms and the balls and everyone got their shoes on. They had so much fun playing around! The coach is seriously lacking in anything skills but hey, I guess it’s good we have one. It will be fun for now. We also got in charge of the net! I guess the coach lives close to the field and wants to bike and doesn’t want to bring the net every time so we will bring it except the week we are gone.
Here are some of the shots from the night:
*K in the car with his Soccer shoes!
*Getting his ball and being all excited that it matched!
*Lo in his shirt:
*K in his shirt:
*E in her shirt:
*Action shots (K is #8, E is #5, and Lo is #6 (I think, E and Lo might be switched)
*With the Soccer Net, upset that he couldn’t keep playing:
On our way home we went to Reeds Dairy and got milkshakes and some milk for home and came home.
I got every ones toothbrushes and we went upstairs, brushed our teeth and came back to the campsite. Dh got some dishes done and cleaned up and I got the boys in pjs and in bed watching a movie. They had fun.
DH finished everything up outside and then came in for bed. We got to bed by 10pm.
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