Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 7 Day 3 - Sunday, June 28th - Fire!!

We got to sleep in a bit since Sunday school has ended for the summer. It didn’t really feel like it since we had to go in and get Arnold’s Wheel.

Q woke up looking, and feeling, much better. K and Q snuggled with me on our bed for a bit while Arnold made us pancakes! It was so good, or well, “hot cakes” and K calls them now. As soon as we were done I got the boys dressed, one by one, to go to church and we headed out. But not before at least 1 of them got dirty. Wouldn’t you guess it hey?

We headed out to downtown and got Arnold’s Wheel from the store and then went to church. We got the kids dropped off in the nursery and up to church for the 1st song! It worked out rather well. We had a good service and then we headed out. I tried to get into the library but they weren’t open so we didn’t get new books. I did get to visit with a few people. Tonight was the last Sing and Share of the year and we went last year and it was fun. The problem was that we didn’t want to go and fill up their house since it said it would be thunder storms. So instead of having 20 to 30 youth and 2 kids running around we pulled ourselves out of the mix. It worked out ok in general I guess.

After church we went to Pickering and found a BP’s to have supper at. It was good. They took off my Thai Chicken Pizza and I really wanted it so the girl said the kitchen could make it. They did but they used a different sauce. Not at all what I was hoping for but they were really sweet and comp’ed our meal. So for the 4 of us to eat it cost 27.00. Totally doable with our budget!

We went home and the boys watched a movie while I cleaned up the trailer and Arnold did laundry and cleaned the green tent.

I took these photos of the ‘chocolate pizza’ from BP’s:





If you can’t read it the box says : Hi! I’m a kids chocolate pizza. I fit in the smallest of hands. I’m so good, I never want to grow up.
How cute!

When he got back we went on a ‘wood-picking’ run around the campground. We had one load left in the dryer so we packed the kids up in the car and a sheet of plastic in the back and we went and picked up any leftover wood from other campsites. We/Arnold has been doing this every week since we got here and seriously it turns out to be A LOT of wood.
































When we got home we made supper (burgers) and had that and then Arnold made us a HUGE fire from all the wood we have collected in the past 2 weeks. We burned a lot of things we didn’t need/want anymore. Boxes of cooking chocolate, freezer burned veggies, moldy bread, buns, left over burgers, and a bit of chips of chips. It worked out rather well for cleaning the fridge.

The boys went for 1 more bike ride up to the washrooms/parks and Kyler had an accident. He was biking up a STEAP hill and took his feet off the pedals to push up (we are guessing) and he started to go backwards (there are no hand breaks on his bike) and he went too fast down the hill and smashed the side of his face into the yellow polls. The poor dude! He seemed fine when they got to the park and was promised some underdogs and some cake when he got back to the campsite!

I finished cleaning up the trailer while they were gone so we had room for our rainy week.

The boys got back and we watched the fire a bit more. Arnold raised the swing up a bit since it was getting too low for them and then it was off to bed. We had a fun night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure in the last 3 posts alone you have gone out to eat more times than we do in a month! I bet that's part of camping! You guys are more than half way through, aren't you?
