Last night I was *sure* the raccoons were at it again but I guess I was wrong. Well partly. They were at it again, just not at our spot.
After the thunder and lightning we had last night I thought I heard them moving things around. If they did it wasn’t here. It was down a bit. Some college kids came in and were setting up camp way after dark. Well they ended up leaving ALL their food out and someone didn’t bungee the containers last night and sure enough, this morning it looked pretty bad!
Arnold headed off to work a bit late and I put in some of our stuff for supper. Tonight we are having ground beef, scalloped potatoes and diced tomatoes! Maybe Arnold will be lucky with leftover again.
The boys hung out in the trailer for about 45 minutes or so after Daddy left and eventually we all got dressed and headed outside. It was SO nice, a bit cloudy but a beautiful day! I took out my hammock and got to lay on there while the boys played around. Kyler kept going to ‘work’ with his packpack (cooler) and would work around the yard. Q was following him all over on the skateboard!
I did get a bit worried when I heard Kyler tell Quinton that putting stickers on this would make it feel better.
Here’s a photo, any one have ideas of what they put the stickers on?
These the kids thought Daddy’s bike might like, but since his bike wasn’t here they put them on the bike rack!
Just before lunch Kyler started squishing everything. Including this butterfly. The poor thing! I had to explain that just because something lands close to us doesn’t mean we should step on it.
The boys had lunch and made as many funny faces as they could!
I know that they love playing with their food now!
They came in and watched a veggie movie then back out (I was sure they would fall asleep after the movie but I guess not!). I found them playing outside like this when I called them in:
I put them down for a nap about 1 hour ago and closed the curtain. Something I haven’t done in a long time and now I remember why! They muck around when I can’t see them. They are still going at it. Oh well, this means a longer nap today!
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