I caught these photos of the boys before I started working:
I moved Arnold and my bed from the table area back to where it belongs (along with getting some new sheets on there) and got it all set up. Then I moved all the things that were on there outside to the car (for storage in the garage) or back in other containers (for things we might need during our family reunion) or threw away. That part was nice. Some of the things I had I knew we wouldn’t use again!
Work in progress:
I managed to clean out all the bench seats and have some serious fun with that. It’s all clean (and a bit lighter) and then I started to repack it. Not that I wanted to but some of the things we need for the family reunion so I figured I might as well repack it while I can.
I cleaned off the boys bed and got it set up again for them. I did need to get a few things clean out from there (ie cereal they didn’t eat and left) but aside from that it was pretty good. Arnold and I were both shocked with how little ants there were. I honestly expected a lot more since you see them crawling on everything but nope! Not here.
I put the boys down for an early nap, since Monday’s soccer practice had gone so bad, and made them sleep. Arnold did call once and I told him how upset I was about the boys not napping and that there would be NO soccer at all and by the time I got off the phone with him they were out like a light!
While they napped I did some more ‘house stuff’ by calling all the numbers and getting bills set up for the house. It’s exciting but scary at the same time.
Once the boys got up we headed out early to do some fun things. We did get stopped at the front driveway, again, but this time the guy was nice. He explained who they were and about their reasons for going on strike and gave an example. I must say that is easier to understand/take then just being told to wait 5 to 10 minutes.
We headed off to Wal-Mart and looked for something for the boys room. I was excited to check it out but when I got there… there was NOTHING! It sucked. We are going to check out home depot and Rona later and see if they have anything (for those of you in TO or in Canada for that matter, we are looking for animal stuff for their room (Land animals and water ones, not like what they actually look like but ones that are a bit kiddish, if that makes sense).
We picked up our groceries there and headed out to the car. The boys did great. We then went to the Library and brought back our old books and checked out some new ones. Kyler picked a lot of books and I told him we would have to do a lot of reading since he was leaving soon for Nana and Papa’s house. We had to go over our countdown to their house again… it’s getting old.
After the Library we went to Price Choppers since we realized we forgot the powder doughnuts to get the kids to play soccer. We quickly went in and paid for them and back in the car. We went to a ‘new park’ with the kids today. This strike is getting old! I mean it doesn’t do much for us here (aside from being stopped sometimes) but the parks are GROSS. We ended up going to the slide and swings on the other side of the field from where we play soccer. We got there around 5pm and brought everything over there (the grass is bad, I can’t stand walking through the jungle but hey there isn’t any garbage there). We had our sub supper and then went to soccer.
Quinton and Arnold took the van and went to the garage and dropped off a load of things then back to the storage unit and packed up again. Kyler and I went to the soccer game! We tied, 3-3. K played in net and did a great job with kicking and such. I have some great photos I’ll post up here, sorry for the large amount.
When the game was over I called Arnold to see where he was and he said he was at the storage unit so we waited in the parking lot. Auntie Kristina and Uncle Tim waited with us (they used the time to clean their car) and we hung out beside them. It was nice to not wait by ourselves. That parking lot clears out as fast as possible. By the time 8:15 rolled around there was NO ONE there but us.
Kyler and I got in the van and headed out to the new house and unloaded everything into the garage and off we went home. We did stop at Dairy Queen to get some milkshakes (as we were too late for Reid’s and K played SO well). We got what we wanted and headed back to camp. No getting stopped. In fact no one was there but the security guards. It was kind of funny.
We put the boys to bed and went to bed ourselves shortly after. Soccer days are hard on everyone!
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