Off we went. We started in the north and worked our way back down south. We saw a lot of nice houses, townhomes, and even looked at a few apartment buildings. We didn’t go in them but we looked at the outsides to get some names and numbers. We were able to move some of our appointments around. We got to see a really nice townhouse. It was in the perfect location. To get to the front door you could park on the road and walk through the courtyard. Then in the ‘front door’ and you walked into a washroom on the right and the kitchen on the left. If you kept walking you went into the HUGE living room/family room. Beside the washroom (which was behind the door when you walked in) was the stairs to the upstairs. You went up and there were 3 bedrooms upstairs and a HUGE bathroom. Arnold jokes the toilet is on the wrong side. When you open the door there is a nice countertop and sink and then a space for a toilet but nothing there. Then on the other side was the bath tub and toilet. The toilet is right behind the door so it almost looks like it doesn’t belong.
When you came back down the stairs there was another door to the basement. Down there was about 3 rooms/spaces as well as the laundry area.
At the back of the townhouse was a door to the outside. Because it was a townhouse there was a patio area and then the common area that had to be accessible from every yard so really not much of a yard. The other turn off for this house (aside from the price) was the yard and the front ‘courtyard’. The courtyard said ‘no playing in the courtyard’ and ‘no bicycles in the courtyard’. There was parking for this house in the basement (if that makes sense). There is an underground parking garage and that’s where you could have parked (this house became #3 on our list of homes)
The other place we saw (as opposed to the ones we just looked at the outsides and such) was a house. The upstairs, garage and backyard would be used by us (the upstairs tenant). The landlords lived next door and had painted the house after the last people owned it. The rooms were a nice size, the closets were lacking, but we had made due with smaller ones before. The bathroom was a bit squishy but it had some nice places to store things (ie under the sink and in the med cabinet). The master bedroom had a sliding glass door to the backyard. There was a shed back there as well as a nice yard. A laundry line would be easy to put up there, as well as a garden. The front yard had a rain barrel and a garage. It would fit the trailer in their easily. As well as a bit of a driveway for the van. This road was a bit harder to deal with as it was a major street so if the kids were in the front yard they would have to be very careful. The location wasn’t ‘perfect’ but doable for the price. (this place eventually became #2 on our list)
We took a bit of a break and made some calls and checked out some other places and got into see one more townhome. We had just gone into the grocery store and I was getting some popsicles for us to eat. Arnold took the boys to a park and we had our popsicles and then went back to look at a house (the woman needed a half hour to get there). We walked through the house (I felt bad because the people were still living there and we had kind of intruded, then again that’s how we felt in the other place). It was a very small house. No yard at all but ‘a close park’. We decided against that (that and the Landlord lived in the basement and we weren’t really ‘jiving’ with the utilities arrangement).
We headed home after this one to kind of soaked up what we had done all day. We ended up going to a nearby park and getting some dinner at Whimpy’s Dinner.
Too add to all our excitement when we were at there was a teenage boy stuck in a kids swing. Arnold offered the suggestion of putting his feet on a bike to help get him out and they tried that but the kid wouldn’t let go of his pants to push very hard.
I’ll let the pictures show what happen next.
Funny hey? Anyway we went home after that and had a small campfire and went off to bed. It was a long day of doing a lot of looking. We did take a few moments at bedtime to write down our thoughts on the homes.
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