Once Arnold got on the road the boys and I did some reading and hung out inside that day. It was a bit yucky weather but doable. We read our books from the library and I read my books from the library as well. We also watched a few movies.
The boys went outside and played for a bit and then came in and got really excited about something. It took me a few moments to realize what they wanted. Kyler found a bug on the car and they wanted a photo of it. Here’s the one and only photo we took that day:
Cute hey?
After lunch and nap time we packed up and went out to soccer. We were early so we stopped at the library first to drop off the movies and books. I was late on them since there was no soccer on Canada day and I needed to get them back soon. I dropped what I thought was all of them but it turns out Kyler and Quinton had been ‘reading’ in the car and he didn’t put them all back in the same ‘general’ area. Oh well. Now we have a bit more of a late fine on those books.
Just a few moments after leaving the library I heard Q whimper in the back seat and I realized what was happening he was throwing up. All the way to McDonalds. I felt so bad for him since I couldn’t do anything about it. I do have some incredible friends though. Lori hadn’t left yet so since her oldest son and Q wear just about the same size she grabbed some clothes for him to change into at soccer. Tim met us at McDonalds and brought Kyler inside and got him a happy meal and got him all set up to eat something for supper while I used his container of wipes and cleaned up Quinton and the seat. It worked really well. I am truly one lucky woman!
We had a rough night at soccer as well. Everyone got hurt, and it was only a practice! We had to end practice early since most of the kids were crying or in pain or something. I know it’s not something to laugh at but it totally made my day! I couldn’t believe I forgot my camera for all the injuries there were.
We stopped at Reid’s Dairy and got a slushy for Q and I and Kyler tried out some ice cream and Arnold had his milkshake and picked up some milk we needed to have. When we got back to the campground we stopped at the top of the hill and used the washrooms and washed everyone up and then headed down to the campsite and had some snuggle time and then off to bed.
Your children sure do puke a lot! I think I would be puking with Wade if he did that!